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Common Defenses for Tax Crimes

Posted by Brandon Keim | Jun 30, 2023 | 0 Comments

If you have been charged with a tax crime, it is understandably worrisome, but the charge does not mean automatic conviction. Taxpayers have varying legal defenses that can be taken to challenge the charges.

What Property Is Exempt from IRS Liens and Levies?

Posted by Brandon Keim | May 19, 2023 | 0 Comments

If you owe an outstanding debt to the IRS and you've received notices of intent to levy, you're probably worried about how bad things can get with the IRS. While the IRS is entitled to your property to satisfy your debts, there are limits to what they can take from a taxpayer.

IRS Bank and Wage Levies: What’s the Difference?

Posted by Brandon Keim | Mar 24, 2023 | 0 Comments

If you're facing a levy from the IRS, seeing a notice that the IRS intends to levy your bank account or your wages can be frightening. But it's important to understand the type of levy you're facing and how it will work.  IRS Levies A levy is a legal seizure of your assets by the IRS. It can in...

Getting an IRS Levy Released

Posted by Brandon Keim | Mar 17, 2023 | 0 Comments

If you received a levy notice in the mail it may mean that the IRS intends to seize your property because of a delinquent tax debt. To release the tax debt you will need to full pay the tax debt or explore some of the other options available if you cannot full pay your balance.

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