An IRS Notice CP22A: When the IRS Changes the Taxes You Owe
Receiving a CP22A notice means that the IRS has made changes to a previously filed tax return, it's important to read to determine if the changes are correct.
Receiving a CP22A notice means that the IRS has made changes to a previously filed tax return, it's important to read to determine if the changes are correct.
An LT11 Notice is the Internal Revenue Service's warning that it intends to make a claim to your property.
The IRS has found that many employers who thought they were eligible for employee retention credits (ERC) were in fact not eligible. Now the IRS has created a temporary program to assist businesses to correct their ERC claim.
Receiving an LT26 Notice means the IRS's attempts to reach you regarding unfiled federal tax returns have gone unanswered. The LT26 Notice requested the unfiled returns be filed and warns a taxpayer about potential fines and penalties if the returns remain unfiled.
If you owe taxes to the IRS, they may apply an overpayment or refund towards an unpaid balance.
Notice CP14 is to alert a taxpayer to a potential unpaid tax debt.
Though the IRS paused sending collection notices during the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS has resumed sending these notices. Taxpayers with outstanding balances who receive any notice from the IRS should not ignore them and address them quickly.
The Internal Revenue Service's practice of unannounced visits is coming to an end, with the IRS announcing this past summer they would be stopping the visits due to various scammers posing as IRS Agents.
If your business had to close during the Covid pandemic, you may be eligible for a tax credit.
What is the difference between the commonly known, general tax lien and a special tax lien?
If there's been a lien filed against your property and the debt has been paid, you may wonder what's next. There are two ways to remove a lien from your property, but what option best suits your situation?
With the end of the pandemic, the holds on IRS notices are ceasing. We can expect the IRS to resume sending notices to taxpayers about any balances or unfiled returns owed to the IRS.
The Internal Revenue Service can be intimidating but you don't have to face them alone. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights protects your right to counsel.
The IRS will file a lien against a home when they determine a taxpayer has unpaid tax debt, this protects their claim on the unpaid balance.
Criminal investigations for tax fraud related referrals are on the rise.
A lien is a claim against collateral for payment of a debt. A creditor has to make sure that their claim is filed timely and correctly to preserve their right to the collateral.
If the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has placed a tax lien on your property, once you've satisfied the debt, the IRS should notify you that the lien has been removed. To do so, the IRS should send you a “Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien,” also known as Form 668(Z). But you may still wo...
Recently the Internal Revenue Service has commented on the growing concern of lien filings on foreign assets and property. Many people want to know if the IRS can place liens on their overseas assets and properties, and the answer is yes.
If you have been charged with a tax crime, it is understandably worrisome, but the charge does not mean automatic conviction. Taxpayers have varying legal defenses that can be taken to challenge the charges.
The Internal Revenue Service is responsible for notifying creditors and taxpayers before levying property. But what happens when the IRS doesn't get the notice right?
What happens when the state and federal government are both trying to seize your property?
If you owe an outstanding debt to the IRS and you've received notices of intent to levy, you're probably worried about how bad things can get with the IRS. While the IRS is entitled to your property to satisfy your debts, there are limits to what they can take from a taxpayer.
If you're facing a levy from the IRS, seeing a notice that the IRS intends to levy your bank account or your wages can be frightening. But it's important to understand the type of levy you're facing and how it will work. IRS Levies A levy is a legal seizure of your assets by the IRS. It can in...
If you received a levy notice in the mail it may mean that the IRS intends to seize your property because of a delinquent tax debt. To release the tax debt you will need to full pay the tax debt or explore some of the other options available if you cannot full pay your balance.
Living abroad can create many complex tax situations for U.S. citizens and resident aliens. For US citizens, your total global income is taxed, but what if you're a resident of a foreign country?
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